TENET from my perception
It is impossible for now, but if it is attainable, How will you bring the past and the future together? Usually, what we do is decrease the value in descending order for the future, and increase the value in ascending order for the past in iteration until they are at the break-even point. And when their value is the same, we can bring them together if it is possible in real life. And then what happens if you from the future, visit over your past to make changes. If you are able, in that circumstance, you will be moving in an anti-clockwise direction, but your past will be moving differently in a clockwise direction. Try to imagine, and screen it out you will get TENET. That's a perfect palindrome of life. You will able to see a protagonist of the movie playing his role in forwarding motion and remaining other characters and scenes in backward motion at that same time. How it is possible doing such work with almost no error and make their crafts look like a reality. Time travel in s...